Holyspotting – A Higher Look at Emotional Healing ‘Edição em Inglês’
Emotional crises have existed since the dawn of time. People who had faith and constantly sought God had visions, intuited, discerned, and in this way received divine guidance to walk in right paths. Others—even those endowed with guidance—because they were flawed and human, and had free will, wavered, were afraid, doubted what was obvious, and lost themselves in crisis situations, leaving obedience aside. They chose according to their own will. This is what the book “Holyspotting – A higher look at emotional healing” is about, authored by psychologist Cacilda Soares da Costa
According to her, if we carefully observe these situations in the Bible, we will draw many lessons that will take us back to our origins, because when we were created we were given this manual of life to be followed. Sometimes when we run away from this manual, we suffer consequences that we can’t always recover from, except for those who remember, redeem themselves, and go back to following the principles of obedience. It reminds her of Abraham, an upright man who could not have children, but he heard God who said, “Do not be afraid, Abraham, I am your shield, and your reward will be exceedingly great.” Abraham answered, “What will he give me, if I am childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer (his servant)?” God led him out of his house and said, “Look up to the heavens and count the stars, if you can; That is how his posterity will be.” And Abraham believed, and his faith led him to accept God’s words as sufficient evidence for righteousness.
The author…
A psychologist with specializations in neuropsychology and post-traumatic stress, Cacilda Soares da Costa is the creator of the Holyspotting process, and based her work on Eye Movement Reprocessing Therapy – EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), BSP (Brainspotting) and her Christian faith.
Descrição do Produto
Title: Holyspotting – A Higher Look at Emotional Healing
Author: Cacilda Soares da Costa
ISBN: 978-65-89206-04-4
Publication: Lopes & Acioli Editora
Number of Pages: 188
Size: 14cm x 21cm